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Innovating for a Better Tomorrow

Calaton Corporation, a holding company, spans technology, design, marketing, real estate, and venture capital. Our diverse subsidiaries are committed to innovation and drive dynamic synergy for overall success.


  • Software Development Agency

  • Career Growth Platform

  • Design Agency

  • Marketing Agency

  • Startup Studio

a hand with a computer mouse

Our Story

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About us


a laptop on the office table

Design Revolution Underway!

In a bid for creative excellence, Calaton Corporation's design arm initiates a revolutionary project set to redefine industry standards and captivate global markets.

a hand typing on the virtual keyboard

Innovative Synergy Drives Success

Calaton Corporation's commitment to innovation and dynamic synergy across its diverse subsidiaries propels the company to new heights, fostering overall success in a competitive business landscape.

an office building

Strategic Real Estate Ventures Unveiled

Calaton Corporation's real estate ventures reveal strategic initiatives poised to reshape urban landscapes and redefine modern living experiences.